Weha CNC Finger Bit - 20mm X 40mm 8 Segment
The OMA CNC Finger Bit is a modified 8 segment cnc fingerbit for quartzite, granite, marble, quartz, engineered stone.
The OMA CNC Finger Bit is designed to run between 14-25" per minute between 5,500-8000 rpm, depending on the stone being used.
The life will be excellent, the wear will be even, and the bit will provide an all around, well performing finger bit on practically all stone that is run through the cnc.
Estimated life of the OMA CNC Finger Bit is outstanding. Running a mixture of quartz, granite, quartzite, marble, etc, you can expect between 100-130 sink cut outs when run at the below specifications.
Typical life is a between 550-750 Linear feet, with some bits lasting well over 1000 linear feet, depending on the rpm, feed rate, and materials.
OMA CNC Finger Bit Specifications for Quartzite:
Feed rate: 12-16" per minute
RPM: 7000-8500
OMA CNC Finger Bit Specifications for Quartz:
Feed rate: 15"-24" per minuteRPM: 7000-8500
OMA CNC Finger Bit Specifications for Granite:
Feed rate: 15"-24" per minuteRPM: 7000-8500

Another fabricator was able to achieve 130 sink cut outs. 40% quartz, 30% granite, 25% quartzite, and 5% marble mix. He ran it at 7000 rpm with 15" per minute feed rate.
With the OMA CNC Finger Bit cost at $99.00, that averaged only $0.76 per cut out.
With the 8 double segments, made in Italy, really long life, very little apple coring, and can run as fast as you want, the OMA CNC Finger Bit is one of the best cnc finger bits that you can put on your cnc for granite, quartz, and quartzite stone.